PEQUEÑAS VOCES aka "Born Under Fire."
PEQUEÑAS VOCES is a unique and powerful hybrid documentary with computer animation which tells the real life stories and experiences of displaced children in Colombia.
PEQUEÑAS VOCES is an animated documentary based on interviews and drawing workshops with a new generation of children (8 to 13 years old) who have grown up in middle of violence and chaos in Colombia; the interviews show how they perceive their reality. Those stories are illustrated and animated using the original drawings by the children.
Animated Documentary
75 minutes
Computer animation
Jairo Eduardo Carrillo
Language: Spanish
The film is set for a 2010 release.
En Colombia hay mas de un million de ninos desplazados por la violencia.
Pequenas Voces, Una Historia contada por los ninos que viven la guerra, dibujado por ellos…narrado por ellos…ellos lo tenian todo…y lo perdieron…
Trailer de la película Colombiana PEQUEÑAS VOCES, del director Jairo Carillo.
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